One has to be living in a cave not to have noticed the recent surge in various earthquakes, tsunamis, violent riots and, recently, volcanic eruptions. This has lead some to wonder just whether the Mayans had access some time-shifting device for their end of cycle by 2012, predictions. Luckily there is now a convenient way to chart the daily catastrophic events that are happening with greater frequency than any other time in human history. Hungarian website AlertMap has put together an interactive chart to keep track of all the recent catastrophes and calamities across the globe. It does a great job with pretty much everything, and maybe give us a heads up as to where the single greatest man-made catastrophe is developing. (See Side link Worldwide Alert Map)

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Conversations with friends

Manolo said...

Hi Mike ! (Mike's bogspot is )

I know this is troubled water, but I am just curious on what are your thoughts about the endgame here. Are some humans smarter than yeast and bring a radical solution to the conundrum ?

Mike said...

I'm in India right now and I can say that its going to be really really hard no matter what happens. This lack of recognition of coming hardship will almost certainly make it worse. Beyond that its tough to really say we simply have to many people on the planet and until we solve that problem we are stuck pushing the constraints of our environment.

Hi Mike, thanks for taking your time and sorry to bother you in India !

Well, the "lack of recognition" of our situation and predicament is what's bugging me. Question: Is it really so?

It might be true for the vast majority of people, those who are perception managed and socially engineered: most don’t know what sort of world they are living in.

But I am very doubtful that our "Alpha elite" is ignorant. There have been way too many studies and warnings by all sort of prestigious personalities and organisations.

And now the Pentagon has gone public with its own dire predictions:

My guess: it's their "medium case". And for sure they have the best intel.

Now, for all I know, the IEA has a similar "internal" set of analyse.

Your modelling and research and my own "ears to the ground" info tell me we might just be around the edge to chaos...

...and in the meantime, for all we know, the Alpha elite has been bunkering in, most of the gold has vanished into secret vaults, and the seed banks are completed and sealed...

Nobody knows the future of course, but there are probabilities, trends and history to try to shape the things to come.

With my unobtainium / lead / tinfoil alloy hat firmly in place, and for entertainment and educational purposes only, let me think out loudly...

There are basically two choices on the plate:

a) The present 7 Billion individuals’ civilisation is crashed NOW, leaving about 1 out of 10 surviving but still having some resources at their disposal to rebuilt "something different"

b) The present civilisation tries to overshoot by a very long shot, ends crashing anyway with more or less 9 Billion individuals and literally nothing left to rebuilt anything.

Hmmm...a little hypothesis:

There is a window of opportunity, up to the end of 2012, to blame all the bad things going to happen, on “mythology”, "the ancients knew", or even "it's written in the Bible"...

But of course, no human can take the decision to crash humankind on such a magnitude and scale, it is completely unbearable. As George Mobus puts it nicely in “the-hardest-moral-dilemma-of-all”:

But one might be able to blame it on "climate change", like the “methane trigger point”, as in "The clathrate gun hypothesis"

...and where some are saying we are now beyond the point of no return. Case of “told you so” .Nice also, methane goes away relatively fast….and may be helped a little bit.

So Blame it on everyone.

And of course, as we just had a successful test run on a virus outbreak: you can be certain the real run will be very deadly and there will be way not enough vaccine, so this could be another addition to the deadly mix.

So Blame it on nature.

For good measure, some devastating regional wars (in preparation as we speak), a couple of nukes, as "controlled" as possible…and the prevailing winds are heading East…(in that event, you might want to move from where you are real quick, Mike !)

So Blame it on some stupid.

Add financial chaos and lack of transportation fuel and theses “ingredients” would bring down society as we know it, fast, big time.

So finally, blame it on Wall Street.

There are certainly other nasty elements to consider, ready to be activated.

A recipe for the survival of the fittest and smartest?

(Better be in the right places too..)

Sounds familiar? Impossible? All this is unfortunately almost as easy as 1,2,3, ... all the elements are in place, and, as in point a), almost unavoidable.

This sounds depressing and of course, my super alloy hat is probably malfunctioning (somebody tell me please it is!?!)…but how am I doing so far under that hat ? What am I missing?

Oh yeah ! Mother nature as been quite active lately. You sure want to stay away from active volcanoes, earthquake zone and the like. Organized help will go diminishing…

Disclosure: I like simple stories, but I don’t believe in Occam’s razor: once you know the principle, you can trick it.

You are right, Mike, lets just quote this again:

“Its going to be really really hard no matter what happens. This lack of recognition of coming hardship will almost certainly make it worse.”

I am afraid that that IS THE POINT...but then of course, I don’t have to tell You this.

PS1 : hope you enjoy India !

PS2: I really, really hope to look like a big old fool, completely ridiculous, by December 2012, looking on a world where nothing happened!